Live Bar, August 19 -nottingham Forest forward ylang-ylang Plus received an interview with the media and expressed his views on the topic of Ronaldo and Manchester United.
About C Luo
There is nothing better than learning from C Luo. His shooting and running position are amazing. People are talking about his goals, but his running position and goal desire are also very strong, this is what I learned from him, and I really want to show it this season.
About Manchester United time
You can see that many Manchester United players have achieved success, and it is obviously foolish not to listen to their suggestions. When I played for Manchester United, I always listened to the suggestions of my teammates as much as possible and gained some experience in important matches in Europe. I am just learning as much as possible. If I can bring what I have learned to Nottingham and help the team make progress, even if it is only 1%, it will be excellent for me, I am ready for this season.
(Little Green Devil)
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