Live broadcast on August 19 according to Italian media reports laroma24, Rome intends to lease Italian international striker nyonto.
Rome’s negotiations to introduce strikers this summer have been blocked. Santos Nova Leonardo has confirmed that he will not join Rome this summer. Rome had to look for a new target. laroma24 said that Pinto, the general manager of Rome club, contacted nionto’s agent on Friday to understand the possibility of renting + buying out players first.
Nionto was born in 2003 and is an Italian international striker. Nionto joined Leeds League last summer. He did well in the Premier League, but Leeds League was unfortunately downgraded in the end. Nionto was unwilling to play the England championship with the team. He had already applied for a transfer to leave the team, but Leeds United rejected Everton’s offer.
It is worth mentioning that Rome has rented Llorente, the Spanish central defender, and Christenson, the right defender of Denmark from Leeds United this summer. The good relationship between the two clubs may help Rome to rent nyonto.
(Su erhu)
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