Live broadcast, August 19-after the Beijing-Shanghai war tonight, Guoan security team came to the court to celebrate this memorable victory with live fans.
This game is the 1000th professional League of Guoan young pioneer team history, and it is also a reversal to defeat the old rival Shenhua. Therefore, Guoan generals are also very happy after the game. Coach Suarez also came to the field and interacted with the fans in a very popular way for the first time.
Fabio, the winner of this battle, showed a graceful dance with the mascot Jing Shi. Then Jing Shi also celebrated the goal hero’s shoe polishing.
Video source: Tiantian Sports
Tags:上海自荐龙凤TWA , 宁波19楼论坛UQX , 楼凤黑玫瑰KJD , 西安北郊星辉国际会所CVY