Live broadcast, August 19 -manchester United will face Tottenham Hotspur in the 2nd round of the Premier League this week. Teng Hach talked about new aid mount and his performance in the last match in an interview before the match.
Teng Hach: “I think mount can be more backward. We have already seen this in the preseason, but this is what I said. We must work hard in many aspects of the competition, including midfield and cooperation.
I believe we can do this correctly, but it is not overnight. If it is easy, then everyone can do it.
Last season, Erikson had the same performance. In his career, he played a more backward role for the first time. This was Erikson’s ambition, it can also be Mount’s ambition.
Therefore, he wants to play more stadium roles, which is the way I look at football, but as I said, this will not happen overnight. We must go through a process, but it was very interesting in the competition.
Mount is skilled and has a good view of holding the ball. He knows how to deal with the ball. He has motivation and mentality, so he has all the foundations.”
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